Ranas Comenzaron A Invadir Los “Toilets” De Tampa Bay
Photo Illustration by Christof Koepsel/Getty Images
Y aquí vamos de nuevo con estos anfibios dentro de los inodoros en Tampa!
Me imagino que ya las has visto por todos lados, en las calles, en tu carro y por supuesto en la puerta y ventanas de tu casa. Pero encontrártelas justo antes de hacer tus necesidades fisiológicas? Oh no!
Ya estamos en temporada de ranas en el área de Tampa Bay y la razón por la que recientemente muchas personas se han topado con las ranas dentro del inodoro es por que aparentemente intentan alejarse del calor buscando aire acondicionado. Como entran a tu casa? Por diferentes partes y se van al “toilet” por que ahí hay agua constantemente!
Ewwww! Ewwww! Ewwww!
Cristy Balderrama is the morning show co-host on “Nandy y Cristy” and the PSA show host and producer on “En Contacto con Tampa Bay” on 92.5 MAXIMA. Cristy has been with the station for the past 13 years; she is well-known in Tampa Bay and has a huge following due to her close ties to Latino culture. She started her radio journey in 1999 in Mexico and later in El Paso, Texas as morning show host and doing Public Relations for the stations. Cristy is also the host of the TV Show "Todo Tampa Bay" the first and only Spanish language lifestyle show produced right here in Tampa Bay for Tampa Bay, highlighting, promoting and celebrating everything that represents our diverse Hispanic community. As a content creator for 92.5 MAXIMA, Cristy writes articles on events in Tampa Bay, lifestyle, Rays Baseball, theme parks and food.