El Número De Muertos No Confirmados Sigue Aumentado
Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images)
Perder una sola vida ya es tragedia.
En una conferencia de prensa con el gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, el Viernes, el director de la División de Manejo de Emergencias de Florida, Kevin Guthrie, dijo que había una muerte confirmada en el condado de Polk y 20 muertes más no confirmadas.
Hubo 12 muertes no confirmadas en el condado de Charlotte y ocho muertes no confirmadas en el condado de Collier.
Guthrie dijo que el estado todavía estaba procesando los hallazgos de una búsqueda en el condado de Lee, muy afectado. Dijo que un buzo de la Guardia Costera encontró lo que parecían ser restos humanos dentro de una casa que estaba bajo el agua.
“No sabemos exactamente cuántos había en la casa”, dijo Guthrie. “El agua estaba sobre el techo”.
Guthrie dijo que no sabrán ese número hasta que el agua retroceda, y obtengan equipo especial para ayudarlos a recuperar los restos.
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Safety Tips To Recover From A Hurricane
As any major storm passes through Tampa Bay or Florida, it’s important to remember safe ways to recover from a hurricane. After the worst is over, it still may be advised to stay in shelter as you are unaware of road conditions. If you have evacuated your home, it is best to stay in your shelter as you may not be able to access or have power at your house.
You’ve made it through the wind and the rain. Notoriously, there’s debris and streets are flooded. You’re initial instincts are probably to go outside to take a look at the damage, but that is when most injuries, and unfortunately, deaths take place. From fallen powerline and generator injuries, to car accidents from flooded streets, these are just a few reasons why after a storm is just as dangerous.
What is storm surge?
Storm surge happens when hurricanes start to churn along the coast. The NOAA explains that storm surge is produced by water being pushed toward the shore by the force of the winds moving cyclonically.
Storm surge can be one of the most dangerous aspects of the a hurricane. In the past, large death tolls have resulted from the rise of the ocean associated with many of the major hurricanes. Just last year, Fort Myers Beach saw at least 13.8 feet of storm surge after Hurricane Ian.
With the help of the CDC website, we made a list of important safety tips to recover from a hurricane.